Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to Conscious Now

Hello friends. Today is a beautiful day to practice living in the moment. I start each day with gratitude, consciously expressing thanks for the new day. A good way to get in touch with the present moment is to spend some time at the beginning of each day in meditation, quieting the mind. I like the early morning hours, as the currents of the mind tend to be less active. The previous day's happenings are past, the body and mind have (hopefully) had the rest of deep sleep, and the happenings of this new day have not yet commenced. This is a perfect time to get centered and focus on your connection to the creative force, the divine, nature, whatever you call that which is greater than you. I like sitting meditation early in the morning. Some people prefer an active exercise, like qigong. The point is to focus on the present and still the active mind.

Throughout the day, I like to practice staying in the NOW, the present moment, by noticing when I have slipped away from it - ruminating on something that has happened in the past (even the past few moments) or worrying about something that hasn't yet occurred - and gently reminding my mind to stay focused. Some people use a mantra to keep their mind focused on something neutral in order to keep it from "running around" aimlessly. When I catch my mind running out, I like to use the Ho’oponopono prayer, "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you." I repeat that several times, or for a few minutes, and that seems to quiet my mind and refocus it on the present moment.

Living consciously is simple, but it is not always easy. We humans have a great gift of this "bodymind" in which we live. It is powerful beyond our comprehension, but most of us "sleepwalk through life, in a reactive mode, where our thoughts and behaviors are simply repetitions of subconsiously learned programs, reacting to the people and events surrounding us. Conscious living represents awakening from this slumber-like state, and realizing that every moment is precious, as it is the only reality. In living consciously we choose, each moment, to be one hundred percent present and aware, or we choose to be "somewhere else", missing our life as it passes by.

Understanding that it is a rare individual who is fully present at every moment, start from where you are, and practice present moment awareness. Noticing that your mind has been "away" in the past or the future is the beginning of being present. Each time you catch yourself and bring your awareness to the NOW, you are practicing conscious living. With practice, you will more quickly notice when you have "gone away" and, little-by-little, you will experience longer and longer periods of present moment awareness. Don't judge yourself, or beat yourself up, just silently repeat "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you" and focus on the perfection of this moment. Feel the love that flows through you as you practice being conscious now.

Thank you for your kind attention.  Love and blessings to you as you travel the path of conscious living.
